Since the Stuxnet (Fruhlinger, 2017) affair exposed the flaws of the industrial systems, the risks and threats to them become a major concern for operators, as well as for States and individuals. If the apprehension of security is mainly through good practices, it is also necessary to identify the vulnerabilities to which the business has to face .make it possible to identify the areas particularly threatened within the organisation and to deduce the generalized basic protection recommendations. Cyberattackers have various profiles, including the hacker isolated, unhappy employee, organized networks, intelligence units. They have a multitude of motivations, such as computer challenge, data theft for profit, hacker activism, espionage for economic or industrial, etc.)

Cyber-attacks can originate from:

  • inside the company operating the industrial system (internal threats due to inappropriate behavior of staff when using news technologies or malice and because of a lack of governance increased, for example, by the admission and management of BYOD and WI-FI connections).
  • outside the company: hacktivism, Advanced Persistent Threats (APT).

Our Advise

The requirement for a basic protection concept arises between other legal provisions and standards generally admitted, but also generally business principles admitted to forward risk management and strategic planning geared to success and continuity – by example as part of said business continuity plan (BCP).

We aim to work with you to ensure the need for “cross-cooperation” in order to responds to the multiplicity of issues your industry may have now or in the future.

Please contact us for a free evaluation.