While most small businesses tried hard to understand the use of cyber security, they might not know the steps to take avoid getting hurt , they might be struggling to improve their security as they miss the need or the importance of cyber security basics and best practices; and the role of a cyber security expert is to provide just that to your company to stay ahead of new and ever-evolving cyber threats and risks.

Cyber security is designed to protect an IT environment like businesses’ sensitive data, devices, applications, and networks from any vulnerability that can caused serious threats to businesses

The threat surface is the parts of your network or system where cyber attackers would force to identify or create vulnerabilities, security gaps, and holes in order to gain access to your data or simply to brake your system and make it inaccessible.

Verzon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report shows almost a third of data breach victims are small businesses.

Cyber attacks can disable your system, delete, destroys, shares, sells or steals your data; this will leave your business with significant damage like lost of reputation, closure of the business, repairs, data recovery bills and leave your business opened to lawsuits, bankrupt and fines

No matter the size of your business, following best practices as a security strategy will decrease the risk of being hurt hardly.

  1. knowing your network
  2. Employees training
  3. Patching and updating software regularly
  4. Strong passwords required
  5. Data backup
  6. Used of Antivirus and firewalls
  7. Systems Monitoring